Losing Your Family Pet

Our good boy, Diggy, passed away recently and it was rough on us, especially the mini. Diggy was more than just “Man’s Best Friend”. He was a member of this family for almost 17 years and we miss and love him dearly.

Most of us will experience losing a family pet at some point in our lives. It’s an experience that is joined by a huge wave of emotions. You go from having a house filled with unconditional love from a pet and days full of comfort. But when that time comes, the pain can be unbearable. The grief experienced when losing a family pet is real. It’s essential to recognize that this grief can manifest in various ways – from sadness and tears to anger, guilt, and even numbness. Each family member may process the loss differently, and that’s okay. Give yourself and your loved ones the space to mourn in their own unique ways.

Diggy had a great, long life. Outside of being allergic to everything under the sun, he ate good, played well, and he slept like a baby everyday. He did give us a few days of “WTH”. He used to chew on door frames, he had a bad reaction to fire ants, and even ripped out his IV needle. In his latter years, he simmered down to just eating and sleeping, but we made sure he was as comfortable as he could be.

As we heal, we remember that grieving for a family pet is a testament to the depth of the love and companionship they provided. While the pain of their absence can be intense, the memories and lessons they’ve left behind can serve as a guiding light as you navigate this emotional journey. And as you heal, you’ll find that the legacy of your beloved pet lives on in the love and care you share with others, whether they have fur, feathers, or fins.

Healing will take time. There are still days the kid has her moments. I have mine. The wife has hers. Those will happen. We’ll get though it together and eventually we’ll welcome new furry friend(s) into our home.

Much Love


PS – Just as you would seek support from friends and family after losing a human loved one, it’s crucial to reach out during the loss of a pet. Friends who understand the special relationship you had with your furry companion can provide a comforting shoulder to lean on. Additionally, there are pet loss support groups and online communities where you can connect with others who are navigating similar feelings.

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